Oh my gosh! I'm back! It's been almost 10 months!
Okay now that that's over with...
It's great to be back it truly is. While I've been gone from my dear friend blogger, a lot of stuff has happened. I started going to a new church! I got a new job! I even got a new hairdo! Ugh I know, so grown up.
Well with all of this newness in my life, you'd think I'm overwhelmed with excitement but honestly I'm starting to feel a little blase about everything. It's been about 7 months since I started the new church, almost 6 months at my job and 3 months with this haircut. I know right?
Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE all the aforementioned new adventures I'm on but I'm certainly not in the honeymoon stage any longer. There are a few things I've learned through this 2011 year and I'm prepared to share them with the blogger world.
1. EVERYONE can dish it out and 99.9% of people CANNOT TAKE IT.
I don't know WHO came up with the phrase, "If you can't take it, don't dish it out," but honestly, its' stupid. There are very few people who can take it. and those people volunteer to publicly get roasted on television (Charlie Sheen, I'm looking at you). I've not met a single person who doesn't have a button that they absolutely wish weren't pushed. I'm just saying.
Now, personally speaking, I've never claimed to be able to "take it" but I'll dish it out as much as I darn well please because that's how I show my love to people (and sometimes I just enjoy being a beezy). But when you say something about my family or what have you, don't expect me to laugh, I'll probably just cop an attitude, stop talking and stop listening to what you say for the rest of the night.
2. It's so much easier to play the victim.
Now maybe this is only my struggle but when I get an attitude with someone for doing something to me, I don't like to first look at what I did wrong. I like to think of all the ways that the other person should have reacted to keep me from reacting the way I did. Stupid, yes. Immature, yes. Working on it, kinda. Yo, I'm not perfect and no one SHOULD expect me to be, but this is one tough habit to break (I'm hoping some discipleship and authority will help...)
3. I'm not great with authority...is a HUGE understatement.
I don't know anyone who struggles with this as much as I do, but my goodness I do NOT like to be told what to do. i know it is simply fleshly rebellion that I have inside of me that makes me want to do the exact opposite of what someone in authority tells me to do. I've been that way for as long as I can remember (granted I am 90% better than I was in middle school/high school).
I didn't mean for this to end up as a list of faults but sometimes a girl's just gotta get it out.
I have to say, I was thrilled to go back and read my previous posts and see a lot of prayers answered and huge growth and maturity in myself.
God has done some SERIOUS work in my life. He's grabbed me by the heart, shaken up my life and he's molding me into the woman of God he wants me to be. SO THANKFUL!