today was a great day.
i spent all day in some baggy shorts and a TMZ shirt.
i worked on a song that i came up with last night.
the song changed three different times but the last change gave the song a BLUES-y feel and that's what I'm sticking to.
It felt so great to just be a musician for the day.
I pulled out my guitar a couple times and hammered out some chords and then i would just "tickle the ivories" and sometimes i would just sing as loud as i could-loving the musical beauty that God has given me.
I complain a lot about what musical talents I'm lacking but i truly love music.
it's crazy insane how much music affects me.
thank God for it though.
Matt Giraud has a song called Go On and Sing, Boy and there's a line in it that says:
"let the music bring you joy. cuz i know that down deep i was meant for this one thing. so come on baby why don't you sing?"
Seriously, a message can be brought to us in so many ways and this song just spoke to me the moment i heard it. (and at perfect timing too!)
anyway...I'm working on life. working real hard and i know that down deep i was meant for something great.
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