I'm extremely proud of myself.
i finished my first song.
i have so many half-written songs in my journal and on my computer and on random pieces of paper but i finally completed a song.
and to make it even better, i recorded it!
the recording could be better but i feel good about the song.
it's about being hurt by love but still wanting it but also not being sure if it's even worth it to keep putting yourself out there.
i was inspired by one of my roommates: Kendall.
i think that's what made it a lot easier to write, because it wasn't my own pain so i didn't have to sift through different feelings.
although I'm not very good at it, i like writing songs.
it's extremely therapeutic and sometimes only like 2 lines come out but those 2 lines help get the feelings off my chest.
anyway--this isn't going to be a long post. just wanted to share the good news!
maybe I'll put it on YouTube...
YAY! Good going:)